Vitaly Orzhekhovskiy is appointed Novosibirsk branch office director


Vitaly Orzhekhovskiy is appointed Novosibirsk branch office director. Earlier he worked as technical department director. Vadim Melik who held this post has left the company as he is going to start his own business. Vitaly Orzhekhovskiy has a rich working experience in various mobile operator companies. He used to have a close collaboration with JSC “Scandinavian House” and took an active part in some projects, representing the customer. In 2009 he was invited to lead the company’s Novosibirsk branch office.

Vitaly Orzhekhovskiy is appointed Novosibirsk branch office director. Earlier he worked as technical department director. Vadim Melik who held this post has left the company as he is going to start his own business. Vitaly Orzhekhovskiy has a rich working experience in various mobile operator companies. He used to have a close collaboration with JSC “Scandinavian House” and took an active part in some projects, representing the customer. In 2009 he was invited to lead the company’s Novosibirsk branch office.

Orzhekhovkiy’s main tasks are branch office development, effective work and supporting various activities of strategic importance like turnkey projects and in-door coverage improvement.

The branch in Novosibirsk started to work in 2005 and is responsible for Siberian and Ural federal regions which develop actively. Alexey Kim says that “these regions are special because of important operational costs as they have tough climate and are really large. To keep networks working we need to bear those costs. That’s why those regions do need solutions which can help to decrease OPEX 
