JSC “Scandinavian House” representatives have taken part in XXIV International Congress “Information and communication technologies


JSC “Scandinavian House” representatives have taken part in XXIV International Congress “Information and communication technologies. Service and management quality”, which was held in “Intercoms” Communication Economy and Informatics Research Institute in Dubai (UAE) (March, 26-30 2013).

9 reports were heard at the Congress. Topics included national economy development in UAE as well as social and economic aspects of the Russian policy, improving control over communication, transition from communication network control of technical parameters to communication services quality control. The reports also considered modern quality management systems in creating approaches towards communication services management based on unification and compliance assessment.

The event participants have generalized advanced national and international experience and carried out discussions on most important issues related to telecommunication market development and State management and regulation improvement.  

The speakers have pointed out major problems of the Russian economy today – irrational and ineffective use of human capital and management technologies, lack of effective business conditions and for investors and businessmen attraction and underestimation of process and services quality aspects.       

At the end of the Congress the participants have elaborated Recommendations which aim to change radically approaches to economy management based on a number of conditions and important principles. The current world practice requires to speed up the development of the national economy, communication, telecom technologies and increase service quality.

 «The Congress was organized on a very high professional level, - said Alexey Kim, JSC “Scandinavian House” CEO. The conditions permitted all the participants to expand on the topics that were discussed. The reports, covering major aspects of economy in communication sector and discussions about the current questions related to the development of telecommunication market remain highly important in current Russian and international business conditions. 

I am sure that the Recommendations that were prepared after the Congress will be taken into consideration and will have a positive effect on further activity while the final result will be an evidence of good and profitable collaboration for all parties».

The Congress organizers mentioned that the final variant of the resolution will be sent to the necessary bodies of Public authorities. At the moment world practice requires speeding up the development of the national economy, communication, telecom technologies and increase service quality. The Congress participants hope that Recommendations will be able to change radically approaches to economy management based on a number of conditions and important principles.
