JSC “Scandinavian House” is called the fastest growing company


According to CNews Analytics agency JSC “Scandinavian House” is the best company in CNewsFAST rating which selects the fastest growing IT firms. It is also ranked 39 in CNews100 rating among the biggest IT companies in Russia. The rating main criteria is overall revenue.

According to CNews Analytics agency JSC “Scandinavian House” is the best company in CNewsFAST rating which selects the fastest growing IT firms. It is also ranked 39 in CNews100 rating among the biggest IT companies in Russia. The rating main criteria is overall revenue.

JSC “Scandinavian House” showed 220.6% growth compared with 2009 year results. This leap is primarily due to company performance after the world economic crisis.

Andrey Titov, Business Director says that the results which have been achieved prove that in 2010 the company managed to return to what it had before the crisis, after it had suffered financial difficulties. It was quite important to select the necessary development strategy, stick to right management and keep professionals together.

In 2011 the company carries on developing the same fields as in 2010: turnkey telecom projects and in-door radio coverage. 
