JSC “Scandinavian House” has taken part in Powervawe distributor’s conference


Annual PowerwaveTechnologies distributors’ conference took part in Istanbul (6-8 June) where JSC “Scandinavian House” company was traditionally represented by CEO Alexey Kim accompanied by the head of procurement department Alexander Gorelov. The organizers have managed to gather together representatives from such countries like Turkey, Grece, Spain, Middle East, India, South Africa e t.c.

Annual PowerwaveTechnologies distributors’ conference took part in Istanbul (6-8 June) where JSC “Scandinavian House” company was traditionally represented by CEO Alexey Kim accompanied by the head of procurement department Alexander Gorelov. The organizers have managed to gather together representatives from such countries like Turkey, Grece, Spain, Middle East, India, South Africa e t.c.   

The event was mainly dedicated to technical and logistics aspects of relationships between the producer and distributors. David Watson, who is now a new sales Vice President of Powervawe, gave an opening speech. He presented the general overview of the company’s development. In 1Q 2011 the company managed to get a total revenue of 136.6 million dollars. It was higher than 114.5 million dollars respectively in 1Q 2010. Powervawe technical specialists have stressed their attention on LTE and also described digital repeaters and NetWayVision software as well as announced new antennas: 65+ creates a very easy and clear diagram which is quite useful while performing the network design. They also presented circulary-polarized antenna as well as 8 and 12 port antennas.
