JSC “Scandinavian House” has received RADWIN golden distributor status


JSC “Scandinavian House” has received RADWIN golden distributor status according to 2012 year procurement results  

JSC “Scandinavian House” (Raycom trademark) has started collaborating with RADWIN company since April 2012. During this year both companies have managed to create positive business relations and realized a number of projects using the services provided by the supplying company. Clients that have ordered the related equipment undertook special seminars in all regions of the country.

Last year in November Raycom employees took part in a conference held by the RAD group for its partners, where they have learnt the newest broadband access solutions. JSC “Scandinavian House top management is glad to say that collaboration with RADWIN company will develop and strengthen further on in the coming future.


RADWIN – is a leading supplier of full variety of wireless broadband access solutions within the range from 2 up to 6 GHz. The company is an expert in creating effective wireless solutions with high quality level for broadband access networks, in organization of transport connections and in creating the necessary infrastructure for private (corporate, institutional) networks as well as construction of broadband mobile networks for special purposes.

RADWIN equipment is successfully used in more than 130 countries in the world.
