JSC “Scandinavian House” has improved telecommunication quality on “Lokomotiv” stadium


System integrator JSC “Scandinavian House” has finished its project related to radio coverage organization on “Lokomotiv” stadium in Moscow. The project was ordered by OJSC “MTS”. System integrator JSC “Scandinavian House” has finished its project related to radio coverage organization on “Lokomotiv” stadium in Moscow.

System integrator JSC “Scandinavian House” has finished its project related to radio coverage organization on “Lokomotiv” stadium in Moscow. The project was ordered by OJSC “MTS”.

The stadium fully meets all international standards and is one of the best equipped stadiums in Russia, well known for its unusual design. However it is due to heavy concrete beams that the radio signal can not easily reach the destination. That’s why there are zones where mobile phones can not be used.

In order to improve the signal quality JSC “Scandinavian House” experts have proposed to use an indoor solution, designed by CorningMobileAccess company, which aims to assure radio coverage of sport arenas using special antenna distribution system and high power optic transponder

Signals from MTS BTS stations are being sent to RIU radio interface module, which unites BTS signals and produces a combined signal which is sent to BU base module input. The module transforms radio signal into an optic one and sends it to remote blocks using optic fiber. Remote blocks execute a reverse transformation of optic signal into a radio one and send it to external antennas, performing the coverage of requested quality.

“This solution will let us gradually improve the voice services quality and will allow to achieve the speed of 7.2 MBit per second for more than 35 thousand spectators, says Sergei Ilyin, chief of Indoor projects group of JSC “Scandinavian House” – the deployed system of indoor-coverage can meet the 800 Erl requirements and supports GSM-1800/UMTS-2100 standards, which will allow to go to new standards like LTE-FDD, and fully meets European telecom standard requirements. It is very important that this solution can be used by several mobile operators at a time: we speak about common antenna and feeder system, equipment room and solution management.  

There is about 5 kilometers of coaxial cable laid on the stadium, 2500 kilometers of optic cable, 21 transponder installed as well as 183 space antennas. 12 panel antennas assure the coverage of the stadium area itself, divided into 6 sectors, while other antennas equipped with round directive diagram assure the coverage of internal rooms. High quality mobile connection is available in restaraunts, bars, in the rooms under the tribunes like conference hall and mix zone, in the fitness center and “Lokomotiv” football club museum.

The project was performed as a part of JSC MTS communication quality improvement program on sites where the signal is limited. This operator has increased its signal quality in more than 700 buildings having several hundreds square meters of overall square

JSC MTS Technical vice-president Andrey Ushatskiy said that “according to our statistics about 70% of the mobile traffic is generated within the building. So as the number of mobile devices grows gradually it is important for us to improve the connection quality on sites where it is hard to get the signal because they are too far or because of some special city landscape or materials they are built of. We aim to perform a high-quality connection where tehre’s a demand for it in places like big business centers, museums, theaters on stadiums e t.c.”

About “MTS”

Mobile TeleSystems OJSC ("MTS") is the leading telecommunications group in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, offering mobile and fixed voice, broadband, pay TV as well as content and entertainment services in one of the world's fastest growing regions. Including its subsidiaries, the Group services over 90 million mobile subscribers. The Group has been awarded GSM licenses in Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Armenia and Belarus, a region that boasts a total population of more than 230 million.

About CorningMobileAccess

CorningMobileAccess —  is one of the biggest wireless equipment producers in the world for indoor facilities for all existing technologies like 2G-GSM, EGSM, DSM, 3G-UMTS, Wi-Fi, WIMAX, LTE. The company was found in 1998. In 2011 MobileAccess joined CorningIncorporated. CorningMobileAccess offers wireless mobile coverage solutions inside office buildings, trade centers, underground, hotels, tunnels, stadiums, airports e t.c.   
